No matter who you are, where you have come from, or what your background is, you are welcome here.
We pray that RHC may be a place that you grow to love God and become connected to his people in a greater way.
As a church, we are a group of very diverse people who have been brought together and primarily defined by one thing: God’s love displayed to us through his Son Jesus’ death and resurrection for our sakes.
As we believe this good news (or ‘gospel’) of God’s love, we find that we have the most important thing in common with each other—we have become God’s dearly loved children! God’s love then urges us to live out our lives in radical response to his goodness by loving him wholeheartedly, being connected to his people, and serving others in the world we live in.
What is the gospel?
The gospel is the good news that God saves sinners.
The gospel tells us honestly that we are more sinful than we have ever imagined, and yet at the same time we are more loved than we can ever hope for.
How can we know this?
God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, who willingly went to the cross to die a substitutionary death in our place so that our sins could be forgiven and we could receive Christ’s righteousness. Through the gospel we are reconciled to God as our Creator and Father, and added to his family, the church.

Visiting for the first time?
Maybe you’ve never been to church, or not in a long time, and worry you won’t know what to do, how to act, or what to say.
We know that visiting a church for the first time can be an unnerving experience, but our Sunday worship services are open to anyone and everyone. Here’s what you can expect on a Sunday:
Each service lasts about 1.5 hours, and includes times of worship songs, praying, preaching, and celebrating the Holy Communion.
Our music style is contemporary, incorporating both older hymns and newer choruses.
Preaching is usually expository, in which a passage from the Bible is explained and applied. In this way, we systematically work through books of the Bible together.
The Holy Communion takes place on most Sundays, and is a visible and tangible way for Christians to remember Jesus' death on our behalf.
All this takes place in a prayerful environment that seeks to be both reverent and joyful, made possible by the good news of Jesus' life, death and resurrection for sinners. After service, we’d love to meet you at the Community Hub in the foyer, please come say hello!
How can we serve you?
We want to get to know you. And we desire for you to get to know us.
Jesus didn’t welcome us at distance. It was not a mere handshake or exchanging pleasantries. His welcome came at a staggering price. It was God Himself choosing to take on flesh to pursue sinners. It was the death and the resurrection of His Son. It was the shedding of blood so that we can be received into His kingdom as His children. This is the extent of His welcome.
As those who have undeservedly received this welcome, we long to extend the same to you so that you too may taste and see that He is good. We believe that relationships are important because God Himself is relational. We’d love to hear from you so that we can reach out personally to you, to find out how we can serve you.

Get connected
Here are ways you can build spiritual friendships in the church body:
Community Hub
Food & Fellowship
Congre Fellowship
Newcomers’ Gatherings
Interest Groups
One to One Bible Reading
Community Groups
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