The Heart of Serving


The gospel of grace is the starting point and end goal of everything we are doing as a church.

We believe the heart of Christian service is not primarily a call to do something, but a call to know deeply the good news that “the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Jesus is calling us to know and trust him as our Saviour and Servant-King before we follow him as a servant to others.

The heart of serving is first the joy of knowing that our Lord came humbly to love and serve us.

We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). We do not serve in order to be a “good” Christian, because the only person good enough to impress God is Jesus. Rather, serving others is our response of worship, gratitude and love to God because of the grace we have in Christ. This is the good news of grace.

We invite you to be part of the RHC family.

While we may know the concept of grace cognitively, the transformation of our hearts takes a much longer time. Hence, our flesh always reverts to a work-based mode to commend ourselves before God and others with our “good” work and service. This is why grace-forgetting, joyless serving can be harmful to our souls. This is why we need the Christian community around us to point us again and again to the gospel of grace. This is why as part of our commitment to serve and love you, we want to first invite you to be a part of the RHC family.

As we serve alongside one another, we want you to be known and cared for in both spiritual and practical ways.

Are you actively and regularly participating in a Community Group? Are you building meaningful relationships with others at RHC? If you are not, we are committed to help you do that first. If you are not yet a member of RHC, please read our “Why Membership” booklet to understand why membership is important to us. Do consider joining us as a member. This is an important step for you to know the church better, and more importantly to allow us to know you.


Areas of Serving

We value your desire to serve, and thank God for you.